Begins ≠ Youth
A still from Begins ≠ Youth (Photo Credit: Xclusive)

Begins ≠ Youth Episode 9 Recap & Spoilers: What Happens to Jeon Jin-Seo?

Episode 9 of the BTS Universe-inspired K-drama Begins ≠ Youth aired on Xclusive on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. The previous episode ended on a stirring note with Jeon Je-Ha (Jeon Jin-Seo) getting severely injured in the head. Min Ce-In (Noh Jong-Hyun) and Jeon Je-Ha’s step-brother were present where the incident took place.

In Begins ≠ Youth episode 9, viewers see what has happened to Jeon Je-Ha. The episode reveals that when Min Ce-In tries to hit Jeon Je-Ha’s step-brother in a feat of rage with a rock, Je-Ha comes between them to stop him. Thus, Min Ce-In accidentally ends up fatally striking Je-He in the head with the rock. Although he gets seriously injured, Je-Ha survives and gets released from the hospital. However, the unfortunate incident leads to the school transferring Min Ce-In to another school in a different place.

Begins ≠ Youth Episode 9: Jeon Jin-Seo gets accidentally hit by Noh Jong-Hyun

Episode 9 of Begins ≠ Youth starts with someone giving Min Ce-In’s (Noh Jong-Hyun) house keys to Jeon Je-Ha (Jeon Jin-Seo). He then goes on to look inside the house. He realizes that someone inside has tried to take their own life, and the entire house is covered with flammable gas and liquid. Thus, Jeon Je-Ha runs from there and tries to call the helpline.

The episode then returns to the present. Jeon Je-Ha’s stepbrother is giving false testimony to the police about how Je-Ha has gotten injured. He puts all the blame on Min Ce-In. When the police ask Min Ce-In to testify, he keeps quiet. He is suffering from extreme guilt from what has happened to Je-Ha. He completely blames himself for the incident.

After that, Begins ≠ Youth episode 9 discloses what has actually happened that day. The truth is Min Ce-In was about to hit Jeon Je-Ha’s step-brother with a rock. But Je-Han suddenly came between then ended up getting accidentally hit by Ce-In. Fortunately, Jeon Je-Ha is out of danger and getting treatment at the hospital. He worries about Min Ce-In as he knows the truth. However, his mother requests him to refrain from revealing the truth to his stepfather as it will give them an upper hand over Je-Ha’s step-brother.

At school, the principal and the other authorities decide to transfer Min Ce-In to another school in a different place. He calmly accepts it and moves to the place with his father. In the meantime, after Kim Joo-An (Jung Woo-Jin) makes Park Ha-Ru (Kim Yoon-Woo) realizes that his new friend is imaginary, he completely breaks down.

Who does Kim Yoon-Woo meet at the end of episode 9?

Towards the end of episode 9 of Begins ≠ Youth, Jeong Ho-Su (Ahn Ji-Ho) learns about Park Ha-Ru’s (Kim Yoon-Woo) condition from Kim Joo-An. Out of concern, he asks a man at his orphanage, whom he trusts a lot, to have a meeting with Park Ha-Ru. He believes that the man will be able to help Ha-Ru as he has helped him a lot.

Park Ha-Ru is supposed to meet the man, along with Jeong Ho-Su. But somehow, he has to go meet him alone at a place. When he meets the man, he immediately recognizes him. The man also recognizes Park Ha-Ru. The man turns out to be the person whom Ha-Ru saw hurting the other young boy during his childhood. Initially, Ha-Ru gets extremely scared after seeing him and runs away from there. However, he stops running in the middle of the road and returns to the man. Thus, he finally gathers the courage to face the man after so many years.

At the end of Begins ≠ Youth episode 9, viewers see someone getting rushed to the hospital. It looks like the person is in a bad condition.

Viewers can watch episode 9 of Begins ≠ Youth on Xclusive.

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