Skarsgård played the clown Pennywise in IT
The film is currently in pre-production
The show returns on Sunday, April 15
The film currently maintains a perfect 100% critic’s score on Rotten Tomatoes
Latest trailer for second season of Netflix zombie comedy series
Featuring Thor: Ragnarok, Lady Bird, The Strangers, The Dark Crystal, Downsizing and more!
From the author of the viral New Yorker article "Cat Person"
Shatner talks Aliens Ate My Homework, The Horror at 37,000 Feet and The Devil's Rain!
She's the third and final witch sister cast in the series
One of Hollywood's long-lost scripts
Which of these scary Disney scenes frightened you as a child?
Monkey needs a hug.
Riseborough will also take a role in the Amazon-Sky miniseries Zero, Zero, Zero
The Sun is Also a Star, The Kitchen and more get release dates as well
Add the film to your digital collection today and on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray and DVD on March 13
Priah Ferguson's Erica has also been upped to a series regular for Season 3
Ronning co-wrote the film with his brother
The actor appeared as Mike Hanlon in last year's horror hit, IT
Mohawk opens theatrically on March 2, with a simultaneous VOD and HD Digital release
The pilot script for the series has been completed