Sony's remake of the Spanish horror film Rec
Looking to match the success of Saw III
Teaser poster revealed
Script complete, more plot details revealed
The Nov. 30 Christensen, Alba and Howard thriller
New horror sci-fi series for AMC
Opening in theaters today!
Now in theaters!
Michael Sheen, Bill Nighy and Rhona Mitra star
With quotes from directors Greg and Colin Strause
Orphanage remake, Mountains of Madness & Frankenstein?
Priorty project once he's done with Mirrors
Interviews, new stills and downloads
A new short film just in time for Halloween
Adapted by the Mulberry St. team
Frontiere(s) out, Unearthed back in
Morgan O'Neill's serial killer drama
Killer FX from upcoming creature feature
Cohen drops props to Li and Michelle Yeoh
Teaser trailer arriving in theaters soon