A pair of ’70s erotic classics coming from Full Moon.
Full Moon Entertainment have just announced the upcoming release date for a pair of erotic cult films from the sex-soaked ’70s designed to push your buttons.
The first is the early Charles Band production FAIRY TALES, directed by Harry Hurwitz. It’s a ribald fantasy featuring all manner of storybook character in every sort of compromising position. Genre film icon Linnea Quigley appears in what is her first feature him role.

Next up and set for release on the same day, is the 6th entry in Full Moon’s THE JESS FRANCO COLLECTION, a series of totally uncut, remastered Franco classics licensed from legendary producer Erwin C. Dietrich’s vaults that, when collected, reveal a Franco portrait on the spines.

It’s one of Franco’s best and it’s very, very, VERY rude.
16-year-old Maria is forced into Serra D’Aires convent, secretly run by Satanists. Her confessor is in collusion with the Mother Superior. Maria is tortured, forced into sex with men, women, and the horned Devil, and told that it’s all a bad dream. She writes a letter to God, and a Knight rescues her, only to fall into the hands of the Inquisition, put on the rack, and condemned to death like Joan of Arc.
Susan Hemingway, William Berger, Herbert Fux and Ana Zanatti star in a movie so confrontational that censorship bans prevented its release for two years.
Go to Full Moon’s store to pre-order these dangerous gems today.