In a year where saying sad farewells to fallen rock idols and film heroes is becoming a painfully common, we’re overjoyed to be able to take a moment to wish horror, cult film and fantasy cinema’s most important living legend a Happy 90th Birthday!
Roger Corman IS the man.
And at the age of 90, when many of his peers have either checked out or given up, Corman refuses to leave the ring.
He’s just as sharp, spry and active as ever.
Don’t believe us?
These are brand new behind the scenes shots from ROGER CORMAN’S DEATH RACE 2050, a sort of sequel-cum-reboot to his beloved 1975 action satire DEATH RACE 2000.
The film is shooting now in Peru with G.J. Echternkamp directing and Malcolm McDowell top-lining the cast.
Read our initial report on the film here.
And one more time…Happy Birthday, Mr. C.