Controversial actress and filmmaker Amy Hesketh gives SHOCK some exclusive pics from the set of JUSTINE.
The bizarre, unique films spawned by the partnership between American born, Bolivia based, actress and visionary Amy Hesketh and director Jac Avila fell onto my radar a few years ago via a writer/producer friend. After having my mind gently blown by the duos sado-masochistic melodrama MALEFICARUM, I commissioned a feature interview in the pages of FANGORIA and a pleasant virtual friendship with Hesketh ensued.
Hesketh is the real deal. A ferocious talent whose love of cinema, underground and otherwise, informs these beautiful, brutal erotic/art genre pieces and she often puts herself in dangerous physical situations in order the achieve the desired effect.
And while the Hesketh written/directed vampire drama OLALLA (that one co- starring Avila) does the festival circuit, the duo are whipped-torso deep in their latest effort, an explicit and surreal take on the Marquis De Sade classic JUSTINE (OR THE MISFORTUNES OF VIRTUE).
Hesketh has kindly supplied us with some eye-catching behind the scenes shots as well as some delicious official stills. Bear (bare?) in mind these shots are by and large NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
From Hesketh about the film:
All the characters in De Sades books are extreme expressions of conflicting views of life, death, love, sex, God. Faithful to the spirit of the book while using it as a springboard for a more cinematic interpretation of the story Jac takes Justine, who represents extreme virtue to match her against Rodin, who is the perfect embodiment of the extreme evil zealot.
Using most of the story as the source Jac Avilas version turns the end of the famous story completely on its head, using Rodin and his dramatic arch, to accomplish that end and by condensing the story and taking those parts that best narrate Justines tribulations, Jac presents a very intense, violent and sexy film with a totally outrageous ending.
While JUSTINE is in-production, Avila and Hesketh are still hoping to raise a few more dollars to make their mad, beautiful opus as opulent as possible.”
You can donate to their campaign by going HERE.
And feast your eyes on the whopping 18 pics in the gallery below
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #1
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #2
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #3
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #4
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #5
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #6
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #7
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #8
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #9
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #10
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #11
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #12
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #13
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #14
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #15
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #16
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #17
JUSTINE 2016 (NSFW) #18