There’s a show currently slinking its way across a Toronto stage called SEANCE, a macabre, immersive one man show that drags select members of the audience into the performance, chilling blood, dazzling senses and leaving its viewers speechless.
Well, maybe not speechless, as everybody I know who has seen it is raving and drooling about its virtues.
From the press release:
In this completely immersive experience, illusionist Nicholas Wallace invites you to join him in exploring the world of the Victorian spirit medium. Though the belief in ghosts and spirits is exceptionally old, one period in history stands out. In the mid to late 1800s, millions of people became convinced that they could communicate with the dead. An occult organization, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, flourished in England and North America, and séances were a common way to spend a Friday night. It was the dawn of Spiritualism and it wasnt a fringe occupation it dominated the middle and upper classes.
Get all that?
Wanna win a pair of tickets to the show?
SHOCK does indeed have a pair of tix to the show on Tuesday, September 29th at 7:30pm at the Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspace (16 Ryerson Avenue.)
To win, email [email protected] and put the words I WANNA SEE SEANCE! in the subject line.
The winner will be chosen at random.
SEANCE runs through October 11th, Tuesday Sunday. Performances will run daily at 7:30pm, with 2:00pm matinees on Saturday and Sunday, and an additional late night performance on October 3, 9, and 10 at 10:30pm. Tickets are $30-$35 and can be purchased at HERE or by calling 416.504.7529. For more information visit HERE.
Good luck!