Watch a very macho clip from NAVY SEALS vs. ZOMBIES.
Just when you think the ever-abused cannibal corpse sub-genre has run out of gas, someone, somewhere concocts some newfangled scenario to shuffle them around in, like putrescent pawns in the game of life. This time Cannon pictures legend Michael Dudikoff (AMERICAN NINJA) tenses his aging muscles to star in the upcoming NAVY SEALS VS. ZOMBIES, directed by former NASCAR driver and stuntman Stanton Barrett. Dudikoff is joined by the likes of SHARKNADO 3s Rick Fox, iZOMBIEs Molly Hagen and TRUE BLOODs Ed Quinn in this tale of US military toughs squaring off against the starving shambling undead.
From the press release:
After losing all contact with the Vice President during a routine campaign stop in Louisiana, the U.S. Government sends in a team of Navy SEALs for the rescue. Dropped into a warzone, the SEALs quickly discover that they arent dealing with a normal enemy. The city is under siege by hordes of fast moving, flesh eating undead. The infection is spreading and urban warfare has been unleashed. With no cure in sight and time running out, the elite unit has to survive their most horrific mission of all.
The film arrives on Digital HD on Friday, September 25th and on Blu-ray, DVD and On Demand on Tuesday, October 6th from Anchor Bay Entertainment.
Check out this clip below!
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