From SHOCK Managing Editor Chris Alexander…
Dear SHOCK readers
Some of you know me, some of you dont but my name is Chris Alexander and I am your new managing editor.
I come to you directly from a 6 year stint serving as editor-in-chief of FANGORIA magazine, an amazing experience that changed my life and took me around the world.
I love strange cinema. I have since I was a little boy. I will until I die. I love dark electronic music. I love rock and roll. I make movies. I write about movies. I make music. I write about music. I still make magazines (I also run the fledgling cult film journal DELIRIUM). I am the co-founder of a Toronto-based convention called HORROR-RAMA. Im a pretty decent dad. I do many things and I like to think I approach them all with enthusiasm. One critic once called me pathologically enthusiastic. Ill take that.
And Im thrilled to be now overseeing this little corner of the web to convey my passions and to help spread the gruesome gospel about horrors past, present and future.
Over the next several weeks, youll be seeing some changes. New writers. New ideas. New images. New blood, both behind the scenes and spilling all over these word-presses pages.
If you like some of these changes, let me know. If you do not like some of these changes, let me know.
I can be reached directly at [email protected]
I can be found online at my personal website HERE.
I can be found on Facebook HERE.
I can be found on twitter HERE.
If you are a writer with a story pitch pitch me.
And please, bear with me as I slowwwwwly immerse myself in this new world. Birth is painful
Now, lets have some fun, shall we?
-Chris Alexander, Managing Editor, www.ShockTillYouDrop.com