American McGee on another Alice game
Earlier this week, fan-favorite game developer American McGee tweeted out a link to a fan petition asking for a new Alice video game.
“Doubt this will change any minds at EA,” he writes. “But what the hell. Sign the petition for a new Alice game!”
A macabre re-imaging of Lewis Carol’s Alice in Wonderland, American McGee’s Alice was published in 2000 to critical and fan acclaim. A follow-up, Alice: Madness Returns, was released in 2011, but will a third game ever come?
“Signing the petition is as good a place to start as any […] to help our Alice fans at EA make the case that the world is ready for another game,” McGee tells IGN. “While I do maintain an ongoing dialog with several folks at EA, our conversations are not exclusively about Alice. When we do speak of Alice, there’s interest, but getting a solid commitment takes time. Remember, there was almost a decade between the first Alice game and the second…A lot of factors influence decision making at a big publisher like EA. I wouldn’t dare to guess how that sort of decision gets made these days (last I worked at EA was 15 years ago!), but I am rooting for those fans of Alice who are at EA today and trying to help get the series going again.”
McGee went on to discuss what he’d like to see in a third game if the fan outcry was successful, saying:
“Story-wise, we’ve already got a path to take with our Alice: Otherlands concept. There’s also room to explore in the middle… Alice’s time at the asylum, her earlier years (who knows what darkness lurks there?), and so on. Ultimately, whatever we do needs to remain true to Alice as a character and to honor the expectations of the audience…I know the fans absolutely do not want any of the ‘evils’ of modern day gaming – DLC, micro-transactions, etc. For my part, I do wish VR was more advanced (or would be in an advanced state by the time we finished a new Alice). I think Alice would be an amazing showcase for VR.”
Would you play a VR version of Alice? Sound off in the comments below. You can find the fan petition by clicking here.