Grotesque, seductive and exhilarating, Hollywood horror Starry Eyes is one of the best genre films of the year. Meshing body horror, frightening ambition and experience as Hollywood outsiders, directors Kevin Kölsch & Dennis Widmyer crafted a monstrous, pulsating debut that remains as effective on further watches. Starry Eyes is coming home from Dark Sky Films this February and Shock is excited to reveal both its main cover and alternate Jay Shaw art, as well as the extras contained within.
Hitting Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Download on February 3rd, Starry Eyes concerns Sarah Walker (Alex Essoe, in a tremendous turn), who spends her days working a dead-end job, enduring petty friendships with other struggling artists and competing actors, and going on countless casting calls in hopes of catching her big break. After a series of strange auditions, Sarah lands the leading role in a film from a mysterious production company. But this opportunity comes with some bizarre conditions that will transform her both mentally and physically into something beautiful and altogether terrifying.
This frightening, stirring chronicle of dark drive will be accompanied by:
Commentary with writer-directors Kevin Kolsch & Dennis Widmyer and producer Travis Stevens
10 deleted scenes
Music video by the films composer, Jonathan Snipes
Alex Essoes audition video
Behind-the-scenes photo gallery
Theatrical trailer
Below, find the main cover (top), as well as the reversible stunning art from acclaimed artist Jay Shaw. For more on Starry Eyes, see my review at Fango here.