Back in July, there were rumblings that Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert and Bruce Campbell were tinkering with the idea of bringing Evil Dead to the small screen. Were they screwing with the fans? Not at all.
News has hit today that Starz has ordered up 10 episodes of Ash vs. Evil Dead. And get this: Bruce Campbell is reprising his role as Ash!
Ash, the stock boy, aging lothario and chainsaw-handed monster hunter has spent the last 30 years avoiding responsibility, maturity and the terrors of the Evil Dead. When a Deadite plague threatens to destroy all of mankind, Ash is finally forced to face his demons personal and literal. Destiny, it turns out, has no plans to release the unlikely hero from its Evil grip.
Evil Dead has always been a blast. Bruce, Rob, and I are thrilled to have the opportunity to tell the next chapter in Ashs lame, but heroic saga. With his chainsaw arm and his boomstick, Ash is back to kick some monster butt. And brother, this time theres a truckload of it, saidSam Raimi.
Raimi, Tapert and Campbell will executive produce and Raimi will direct the first episode.
Holy fucking shit is, I think, the appropriate response here.
A fourth Evil Dead has been rumored for some time now – and it certainly built to a deafening pitch when the Evil Dead remake hit last year – but it appears that the small screen was the best route to make that play out.
“I’m really excited to bring this series to the Evil Dead fans worldwide – it’s going to be everything they have been clamoring for: serious deadite ass-kicking and plenty of outrageous humor, said Bruce Campbell.
Raimi co-scripted the series with his brother Ivan and Chuck‘s Tom Spezialy.
Get excited, folks.