More titles are in the pipeline but they don’t want to spill all of the beans just yet.
Now here’s the thing…they’re asking for your help via Indiegogo to help move things along. They’re asking for fans to be part of their $100k campaign. (The page for that is right here.) That’s a lot of bread.
Here’s how they justify their crowd-funded effort:
Investing in a new and large territory like North America means a lot of upfront cash for the investments we need to make at launch. Apart from the cost of acquiring the rights to the films (more of which will be announced soon!), we will need to set up office, establish our business to retail and digital partners as well as invest in marketing and the development of a new website. The greatest immediate investment will be in the restoration and production for the first batch of titles we have acquired and work is ongoing right now!
They add:
Without Indiegogo we would need to wait til our first releases go on sale before we can then see what appetite is like for a new label and the kinds of titles we release with the approach we take.
If you think this is worthwhile and if you dig the rewards you get for contributing, then head on over to the campaign and help out. The page has a pretty solid FAQ there, too.
Arrow Video, to date, has released an impressive slate of films on DVD and Blu-ray in the UK – new package art, great restorations and special features as well as accompanying booklets. They care about genre cinema, that’s for sure. It will be interesting to see them land on U.S. soil, especially since we have Scream Factory here putting the same amount of care into their releases.