Netflix Horrors is a regular column in which Shock Till You Drop alerts you to the latest genre titles to hit the VOD service. And, as I suspected, when Netflix told us what was on the way in October, they were only sharing a few titles that would actually arrive during the busiest month of the year for horror fans. So, here we are with another update! In addition to the titles recently added (get all of the updates here), here’s what hit overnight…
- Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn, an obvious recommendation and a must-see for the season or those who have never seen it.
- The Fly – the Vincent Price classic has arrived and is ready to be shuffled into any “classic horror” movie night you might have set aside for this month. Major recommendation.
- House, starring Michael Madsen. A major pass from me. In rural Alabama, two couples find themselves in a fight for survival. Running from a maniac (The Tin Man) bent on killing them, they flee deep into the woods and seek refuge in a house. They soon realize the killer has purposely lured them to this house and that they are now trapped. As they huddle around an old fireplace, a tin can falls through the chimney. Scrawled on its side is a message from the killer, establishing his House Rules. The rules call for their deaths unless they kill at least one of the four. They have less than 12 hours to find a way to survive. At sunrise the game is over and everyone dies if the killer’s demands aren’t met. What they quickly learn is that the only way out… is in. But going further into this house–where unknown challenges await them–is equally deadly.
- The Rage: Carrie 2 – A weak sauce sequel only for those brave types with a lot of time on their hands. You can get a pretty honest review of it from our Kings of Horrors series episode right here.
- Tamara – Pass. Or, watch Channing Tatum’s wife go from ugly duckling to lethal seductress in this film penned by Jeffrey Reddick (Final Destination).
- Cabin Fever: Patient Zero – Another pass. FX outshine everything else in this dud of a sequel. Check out Shock’s review here.
- The Walking Dead Season 4 – Quick! Catch up before season 5 starts!