Freak Show is set 12 years before Asylum. The story begins its tale in the quiet, sleepy hamlet of Jupiter, Florida. The year is 1952. A troupe of curiosities has just arrived to town, coinciding with the strange emergence of a dark entity that savagely threatens the lives of townsfolk and freaks alike. It’s the story of the performers and their desperate journey of survival amidst the dying world of the American carny experience.
What Elsa [Jessica Lange’s character] has done for 20 years is she goes around to hospitals and jails and rescues these freak circus performers who are going to be shipped away to asylums and she signs the waivers and she becomes their guardians,” Murphy told EW adding that basically we’re seeing Pepper before she was housed at Briarcliff in Asylum.
Freak Show kicks off on October 8th.