Trailer: The Vampire Film Norway Looks Glorious, See It At Fantastic Fest

Making its U.S. premiere at Fantastic Fest next month is Norway, an entry in the vampire sub-genre that hails from Greece. A trailer has been online for a little over a month now, but because it’s coming to the States a bit of attention is being drawn to it now. You can watch it here and I highly recommend you do because it looks like a blast.

The synopsis that’s going around tells us this:

Photophobic Zano, arrives in the big city for the very first time. The year is 1984 and Athens beckons. A vampire and a fine dancer, Zano quickly gets devoured by the dark underbelly of the capital city. All he really wants is a ‘warm’ girl.

In some ways this looks like a companion piece to this year’s Only Lovers Left Alive, but we shall see about that. The film is written and directed by Yiannis Veslemes. It just shot to the top of my must-see list. The Fantastic Fest programming team say this one is from the production team behind Dogtooth.

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