This is a two-hour special event taking place on October 17th and that is organized by the USC School of Cinematic Arts. Inspired by Jason Zinoman’s “Shock Value” – essential reading for every horror fan – the program looks at a collection of rare short films from Dan O’Bannon, John Carpenter and others. Read on for the official description:
Using New York Times writer Jason Zinomans book Shock Value as inspiration, USC School of Cinematic Arts archivist Dino Everett assembled a feature-length compilation of SCA student works from the late 60s and 70s entitled Shock Value: The MovieHow Dan OBannon and Some USC Outsiders Helped Invent Modern Horror.
The compilation features recently uncovered and previously unseen student films by OBannon (Alien, Total Recall) and John Carpenter (Halloween, Escape from New York)including their very first pairing in 1968, Good Morning Dan!along with films by their classmates Terry Winkless (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers), Alec Lorimore (an Oscar-nominated documentary producer) and Charles Adair (Bleeders), to show how USC was a major birthplace for the redefining of the horror genre in the 1970s.
The crown jewel of the program is a short by Winkless and Lorimore and starring OBannon entitled Fosters Release. Made in 1971, Fosters Release is the blueprint for films such as Halloween, Black Christmas, He Knows Youre Alone and countless others, and OBannons portrayal of the killer resembles Jason, Michael Myers and many other film killers who would follow.
Shock Value: The Movie will premiere at USC, followed by a panel discussion with filmmakers and others associated with the shorts.
For those living in the Los Angeles area, you can RSVP to the event beginning September 22nd. Get those details here.
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