I hear this a lot: “I didn’t know about [insert random horror event here]!”
Well, hopefully this will remedy that. Thanks to my very close friend, Annette, we’ve established HorrorCal – a horror event calendar for you Los Angeles-based ShockTillYouDrop.com readers that you can subscribe to on your own Google calendar or iCal.
You’ll see additions to the calendar as we update it on our end. You’ll find an example below. We’re at work on a separate NYC calendar as well as a general “across the U.S.” calendar, but those are a bit down the road.
Instructions on how to add it are below and we’ve already fleshed it out with a ton of screenings, signings, gallery openings, conventions, festivals and special events taking place, again, in the Los Angeles area only. It includes: The event, location, start time, ticket information and any necessary links you might need.
If you use neither Google calendar or iCal – you can access a public version of the calendar here.
We’ve also set up a Twitter account, so give that a follow! It will update you as we add new events.
We do this so you’ll never miss anything again!
Got an event you’d like added to the calendar?
Email it to [email protected]. Include event name, date, start and end times, a short description, and a link to buy tickets or get more info. If you have any feedback, we’ll take it there, too.
Many thanks to Daniel James Baker for our logo. Go give him some love at his Facebook page!
How to subscribe to HorrorCal LA in Google:
- Sign into your Google account
- Open Google Calendar (https://www.google.com/calendar)
- Click the down-arrow next to right of Other calendars on the bottom left of the screen
- Select Add by URL from the menu
- Enter https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/horrorcal.la%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics in the field provided
- Click “add calendar”
- The calendar will appear in the “other calendars” section of the calendar list to the left
- Note: It may take up to 8 hours for changes in ICS feeds to reflect in your Google Calendar
How to subscribe to HorrorCal LA in iCal:
- Click on the File menu then New Calendar Subscription
- Enter https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/horrorcal.la%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics in the field provided
- Click Subscribe
- You can just stick to the default settings, but change them if youd like before clicking OK to save
- The calendar will appear on your list of Calendars (If you are not seeing any events on your calendar yet, be sure that you have HorrorCal LA checkmarked)