Dead Nation is Coming to PS4!

In any case, the game is now on its way to the PS4 in an all new “Apocalypse Edition.”

The game is set to arrive on March 4th for $14.99 but PS+ members can download it as part of their instant game collection.According to the Playstation Blog: “Exclusively available on PS4, Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition features numerous enhancements, making it the best version yet. You can now play in full 1080p HD, with improved textures, rendering, and effects — Dead Nation has never looked better. We also improved the controls, adding in a quick weapon select so your favorite zombie decimator is never out of reach.

The Road to Devastation expansion is now included in the main game, giving you two extra game modes — Arcade and Endless — allowing you to test yourself against ever increasing odds. And with support for the official PlayStation companion app, all you completionists out there now have a second screen to monitor your game stats as you play.”

New features include Challenge Mode where players can issue high score challenges to friends, and Broadcast + where you can stream your game out to everyone and they have the option of making it harder for you. Now that’s a party. 

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