The latest game in the series, Nosgoth, will be free to play when it hits open beta but without the usual hassles that come with it. The new system will reward plays with in game gold for purchasing upgraded weapons, abilities, perks, and classes. In addition, there will also be Runestones available for purchase that can be used to buy skins, item crate keys, even gold and experience boosters.
Community manager George Kelion explains that each weapon will be balanced so anyone can play against anyone else in multiplayer without feeling outgunned. It’s a brand new way of creating a free to play system that doesn’t require you to “pay to win” so to speak. This is kind of a test model in a way so we’ll have to see how it goes. I am excited for the possibilities though.
How do you feel? Do you think the Free to Play model is fine as is or would you like to see something that requires a lot less from your wallet?
[Source: Nosgoth.com]