Set in Rome, the will follow two friends as they uncover a vampire conspiracy to enslave the human race. This continues Sergio’s return to directing after a hiatus.
Commenting on this joint venture, Sergio said, “I am very excited about this project, and I hope to bring something new to the genre.”
Production will take place in 2014.
Stivaletti is a director and special effects guru, who has spent 30 years collaborating with Italy’s finest directors. He demonstrated his vision behind the camera in his directorial debut Wax Mask – a re-imagining of the House of Wax.
He is currently attached to several projects including The Profane Exhibit and The Book.
Grayson Pictures is an independent film distribution and production company, formed in 2010 with the intention of acquiring and distributing the best in genre films from around the world, for release in the UK.