American Horror Story: Coven reached its mid-season finale last night and the Covering Coven gang gathered this morning to discuss what went down! Covering Coven is a Shock original series that lives and breathes at our YouTube Channel.
In last night's episode, "Head," Cordelia’s attacker is revealed. Fiona looks to form an alliance with Marie Laveau. Nan learns a disturbing truth about Luke’s past.
Leading the conversation is Shock contributor Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) and she's joined by Sasha Capelli (@ActuallySasha) of 92.3 out of New York, Alexis Saarela (@AlexisSaarela), Allison Ullrich (@allisonannetx) and Megg Hochbaum (@djshesay). Needless to say, this is a spoiler-filled discussion, so you have been warned!
American Horror Story: Coven Episode 3.09
American Horror Story: Coven 3.09
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: COVEN Head - Episode 309 (Airs Wednesday, December 11, 10:00 PM e/p) --Pictured: Frances Conroy as Myrtle -- CR. Michele K. Short/FX
American Horror Story: Coven 3.09
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: COVEN Head - Episode 309 (Airs Wednesday, December 11, 10:00 PM e/p) --Pictured: Frances Conroy as Myrtle -- CR. Michele K. Short/FX
American Horror Story: Coven 3.09
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: COVEN Head - Episode 309 (Airs Wednesday, December 11, 10:00 PM e/p) --Pictured: (L-R) Evan Peters as Kyle, Jessica Lange as Fiona -- CR. Michele K. Short/FX
American Horror Story: Coven 3.09
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: COVEN Head - Episode 309 (Airs Wednesday, December 11, 10:00 PM e/p) --Pictured: (L-R) Taissa Farmiga as Zoe, Jamie Brewer as Nan, Emma Roberts as Madison -- CR. Michele K. Short/FX