Production has begun at New Horizons on another Sharktopus feature: Sharktopus Versus Mermantula.
Yes, you read that right.
Casper Van Dien and Catherine Oxenberg are starring in the film, directed by Kevin O’Neill who is currently in post-production on Sharktopus Versus Pteracuda starring Robert Carradine.
What the hell is a Mermantula? Funny you should ask, we have the answer via a plot synopsis…
In order to take down Sharktopus, Ray Brady, a former basketball player is injected with a transformation serum that alters his genetic make-up to become part man, part pirahna and part tarantula. Though, unsuccessful at his first attempt to bring down Sharktopus, Ray injects himself with a growth hormone, increasing his strength ten fold and has a final showdown with Sharktopus in a baseball stadium.
Good God…
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