Penny Dreadful is a frightening psychological thriller created, written and executive produced by three-time Oscar nominee John Logan (Hugo, The Aviator, Gladiator) and executive produced by Logan’s Desert Wolf Productions, along with Oscar winner Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Skyfall) and Neal Street’s Pippa Harris (Revolutionary Road, “Call The Midwife”).
Hartnett will take on the role of Ethan Chandler, a charming American who finds himself trapped in the darkest corners of Victorian London, while Green will play Vanessa Ives, a seductive and formidable beauty full of secrets and danger.
Of the eight episodes, the first two will be directed by Juan Antonio Bayona, who helmed The Orphanage and the acclaimed film, The Impossible starring Naomi Watts in her Oscar-nominated performance.
Penny Dreadful will begin shooting this fall in London and will air in 2014.
(Photo Credit: Brian To /
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