Directed by Ted Kotcheff , the movie tells the story of a British schoolteacher’s descent into personal demoralization at the hands of the deranged, hard-drinking residents of a remote Australian town. John Grant (Gary Bond) teaches at a tiny school in the outback. On his way to Sydney to catch a vacation flight, he stops in a rural mining town, where he is reluctantly drawn into the macho antics of the local men. After losing his money in the gambling game two-up, he is taken on a drunken and brutal kangaroo hunt with three of the beer-guzzling louts – a horrifying ordeal that culminates in a shattering sexual assault.
Extras include:
- Audio commentary by director Ted Kotcheff and editor Anthony Buckley
- The making-of featurette “To the Yabba and Back”
- A Q&A with Kotcheff from the 2009 Toronto Film Festival
- A look at the movie’s restoration
- “Who Needs Art?” vintage segment on Wake in Fright
- Theatrical trailers
- A 28-page booklet
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