Ill never forget the first time I saw the original, an assault on the nerves without..a doubt. REC 2 further quickened the pulse, heightened the action, offered new perspectives of the unfolding horror and explored the mythology further. We were not dealing with a typical infected victim here. The threat in this series worked on a spiritual level. Infection by way of possession, which gave the films a cool Lamberto Bavas Demons-esque vibe. But the REC movies stood on their own with an inventive take on a particular sub-genre and an aggressive visual approach.
Which brings us to REC 3: Genesis. Paco Plaza is flying solo in the directors seat this time, sans Jaume Balaguero, his co-director on the previous two entries. And, for the most part, he fares quite well. Its brisk, bloody and packs some laughs, but it holds no surprises. What it lacks in ingenuity it more than makes up for with some clever writing and characters.
Set slightly before the events of REC, the meat of the story takes place at a wedding reception for love birds Koldo and Clara, an adorable couple who genuinely dig each other, so you love em for that right away. Claras got a secret, however, and unfortunately, Plaza and his co-write Luiso Berdejo (who contributed to the first REC) call upon a tired genre trope at this point in an effort to raise the emotional stakes.
Akin to the first two films, this reception turns sour and a possession outbreak occurs. Its around this point where REC 3 goes from business as usual with potential to something, well, pretty conventional. The first act is rife with first-person perspective camera work, hopping between a teenagers digital camera to a professional wedding videographer (who bears a striking resemblance to Guillermo del Toro and claims he works for a company called Filmax, a nod and a wink to the production outfit behind the REC films). During a moment of clarity that one doesnt get much of in found footage flicks, someone actually drops the camera and REC 3 is pushed into a, well, traditionally shot film.
The rest plays out fairly standard as Plazas tale focuses on reuniting Koldo and Clara both of whom were split during the massacre. Plaza keeps the pace speeding along, throwing endless waves of possessed at our survivors, a random selection of folk who keep things interesting (for instance SpongeJohn). But, more or less, REC 3 is pretty formulaic. Disappointing, because REC 2 was so progressive. This film isnt so much a step backwards, but it certainly has the series running in place while it figures out where to turn next.
Its a fun journey nonetheless, because its set in this established world we hold so dearly. I just hope, when Jaume Balaguero hits us with REC: Apocalypse the supposed final chapter in the series well get blown away with something fresh.