5. Rose McGowan
McGowan dabbled in genre film in the ’90s, but really gained attention and earned credibility with horror fans via starring roles in both films featured in Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez double-feature Grindhouse. Rose McGowan brings a “take no prisoners” kind of badass quality to her roles. Notable roles include Scream, Death Proof, and Planet Terror.

4. Angela Bettis
Lucky McKee is largely to thank for Angela Bettis status as a genre regular. McKee featured her in his film May and also in his Masters of Horror episode, Sick Girl. Bettis has a vulnerability that immediately endears audiences to her. Other notable roles include Toolbox Murders, Carrie (2002), and Lucky McKees The Woman.

3. Amber Heard
The gorgeous Amber Heard broke on to the horror scene with the titular role in All The Boys Love Mandy Lane. She has continued to work regularly in horror, as well as mainstream cinema since. She has a sultry, yet down-to-Earth vibe. Other notable roles include And Soon the Darkness, Zombieland and The Ward.

2. Danielle Harris
Danielle Harris grew up making horror films. Her first film roles were in Halloween 4 and 5 and she has worked steadily, since. Many of her subsequent roles have been in horror films. She has recently tried her hand at directing with the upcoming horror-comedy Among Friends. Other notable roles include Urban Legend and Hatchet II.

1. Jamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis is widely regarded as the ultimate scream queen. Her portrayal of “final girl” Laurie Strode in Halloween is pitch perfect. She deftly portrayed an empowered female with a measure of susceptibility. Although, she never set out to be a genre regular, Curtis has always been good natured about getting her start in horror. Other notable roles include Halloween II, Prom Night, Terror Train and Halloween: H20.