McKnight on the dark & gory sequel

Lauren McKnight promises if you caught My Super Psycho Sweet 16, from director Jacob Gentry (The Signal), when it aired on MTV last year, you’re in for quite a treat this Halloween when the network presents (what else?) My Super Psycho Sweet 16: Part 2, which wrapped recently in Georgia. That’s right, a second entry is on the way in the tradition of any decent ’80s slasher film throwback worth its salt.
The actress reprises her role as Skye Rotter, daughter of a maniac who killed some kids at a roller rink and took up the teen slayin’ business years later when a rich bitch named Madison Penrose held her sweet 16 bash at the same – now closed down – rink. McKnight is once again joined by Chris Zylka as Brigg and Juliana Guill as Penrose, who came in for a day of shooting for a nightmare sequence.
“MTV called up and said to be ready for a sequel,” McKnight recounts to Shock of her days after the first film’s debut in October 2009. “This sequel is going to blow the first one out of the water, I’m really excited about it. It’s way darker. With the first film, we had to stick to the guidelines, which is base it a bit on the reality show My Super Sweet 16. The sequel, the writers [Jed Elinoff and Scott Alan Thomas] got to do whatever they wanted. Whatever came out of their imagination.”
Part 2 picks up minutes after its predecessor which ended on the Penrose birthday massacre. Skye continues to have daddy issues and, we learn, she has a little sister played by Kristen Prout. “Sky is dealing a lot more with her sanity. You kind of see that in the first one, it’s more intense in the sequel and that was fun for me to play. I love playing crazy.”
“We had a bigger budget and better blood,” she enthuses. “There is so much blood in this film! I got sprayed with, like, 33 gallons in my face. It was so intense. My bra and underwear are still stained in blood. I don’t want to take them to the laundry mat to scary people. There is so much gore that they won’t be able to show on television, they definitely need to see the uncut version because it’s going to be intense.”
McKnight isn’t shy in revealing the film presents her first sex scene which she shared with Zylka. “It was originally supposed to be on the couch – because I’m having my 16th birthday party in this film – and Brigg and I are supposed to have sex on the couch. But they switched it to the pool table – that was awesome. I was nervous going into it.”
Sex, blood, insanityâ¦not a bad equation. My Super Psycho Sweet 16: Part 2 is scheduled to air in late October. For fans of the first film, McKnight teases some DVD news is coming soon and, “I really think part three is going to happen and I’d be up for it.”

Source: Ryan Turek, Managing Editor