For 2010’s Horrorfest campaign
The fourth wave of Horrorfest titles from After Dark Films is arriving on January 29, 2010. Five titles have been chosen so far and we’ve got your exclusive first look at the one-sheet for one of those selections.
Below, feast your peepers on the artwork for The Graves. That’s the lovely co-star of the film Clare Grant covered in flies. Gnarly, but still hot. Click on the image to see it in hi-res.
Written and directed by Brian Pulido (creator of “Evil Ernie” and “Lady Death”), The Graves also features Jillian Murray, Bill Moseley, Tony Todd and Amanda Wyss. Murray and Grant play the Graves sisters, siblings who wander into the wrong town at the wrong time and face both human and supernatural threats.
Read about After Dark’s latest Horrofest acquisition here and get caught up on all the titles you’ll be seeing next year.

Source: After Dark Films