What is Eli Roth Up to Next?

Big sci-fi movie title revealed

With an Inglourious Basterds acting gig under his belt, it’s high time Eli Roth (Hostel, Cabin Fever) get back behind the camera, right?

Well, to be fair, he did a film entitled Nation’s Pride that will be featured in Quentin Tarantino’s WWII opus, however, Roth reveals to Empire that his next two pictures will be Endangered Species, a big budget sci-fi film and Thanksgiving. The former, he tells the magazine, is budgeted at $60 million and his chance to showcase “mass destruction and really destroy lots of shit.”

Thanksgiving is an extension of the faux slasher trailer he created for 2007’s Grindhouse. How he intends to shoot Thanksgiving is detailed here.

Source: Empire

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