Update: Carpenter’s “Extended Cut” Big Trouble on Blu-Ray!

Artwork and special features are in

Details are scarce at this time, but any news related to Jack Burton and his antics is good news to us. Fox Home Entertainment revealed today that it is prepping a Blu-Ray edition of John Carpenter’s Big Trouble in Little China.

Presented in widescreen with English 5.1 DTS HD Master Audio and French and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital as well as English, French and Spanish Subtitles. Bonus features include:

· Feature

o Theatrical Version

o Extended Cut

· Commentary by Director John Carpenter and actor Kurt Russell

· 9 Deleted Scenes

· Extended Ending

· Vintage Featurette

· Music Video

· Richard Edlund Interview

· Trailer A & B

· 6 TV Spots

· Behind the Scenes Gallery

Source: Fox Home Entertainment

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