Interview: Radha Mitchell

On starring in

Shock Till You Drop: How did the experience ultimately turn out?

Radha Mitchell: Overall, it went great. I was working in India and then I was called to work in Georgia and Iowa. And Breck is a very dynamic director. He gets it. We have a bunch of a great actors involved in the project. But it was a lot of work, to be honest. It turned out pretty great.

Shock: You’ve since caught up to the original Romero movie…

Mitchell: Yeah, I did see it. I heard from someone that George Romero is happy with this version.

Shock: How’s your character differ from the original?

Mitchell: Well, it’s important to be proactive. The most important thing in these movies is that people are not just waiting for you to die. So you want to create integrity. You don’t want her to be just a screamer, which can be quite fun. Here they do give Judy a gun. And she gets to have a career and an opinion. Women’s lib has taken us far. [laughs] When you look at Romero’s characters, he has interesting casting. It’s always left of the field.

Shock: Breck has eased back on the military aspect…

Mitchell: In the original film there’s this annoying drum roll. That’s gone, thank God. There is a military presence in the sense that the town is being contained. Judy is taken into this hospital situation. We’re not so much covering what’s going on with them, it’s about these four people and what they deal with.

Shock: Surprising you remember the drum roll.

Mitchell: Well, I watched the movie from my bath tub – I don’t know how this relates to our interview – but the TV is far and turned up loud. You can just hear this drum roll. It’s one of the strongest memories I have of it. I’m glad we don’t have that.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor

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