Night of the Creeps, DVD, This October

’nuff said

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is finally getting around to a special edition DVD of Night of the Creeps. Go ahead, read that sentence again. It’s true.

Red Shirt Pictures’ Michael Felsher – who has produced a good deal of terrific genre discs – is spearheading the special features. Here’s what he had to tell Dead Pit Radio: “It is coming out officially for the first time ever. Fred Dekker is already working on it, It’s going to be the director’s cut with the original ending. We’re going to go balls to the wall with the special features on it…I talked to Sony today its official, we’re going ahead and its coming out in October! It’s officially In production…and moving forward, its coming!”

Good God. I thought the day would never come.

Night of the Creeps, directed by Dekker in ’86, stars Tom “Thrill Me” Atkins and features a slew of alien slugs that infect their hosts and turn them into zombies.

Source: Dead Pit

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