FEARnet Seeking the Help of the Horror Community

Time Warner drops channel

The struggle to maintain a horror channel continues on… Recently, grim news dropped on our doorstep regarding Monsters HD (they got skewered and were put six feet under), now we’ve received word FEARnet was dropped by Time Warner this week. Here’s how you can help get them back on their feet:

To all FEARnet fans who subscribe to Time Warner or Bright House Cable —

Time Warner and Bright House have dropped FEARnet from your cable line-up. They have eliminated your on-demand access to horror, thriller and suspense movies 24/7. If you want to once again see FEARnet on your cable system, your cable operator needs to hear from you. Call 1-877-FEAR-247, we’ll connect you with your cable operator and you can let them know you want FEARnet (And be aware that for some customers, FEARnet is available on AT&T U-Verse and Verizon Fios).

Don’t let another genre outlet get sucked into oblivion!

Source: FEARnet

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