Hitting two cities this year

Festival programmers Shade Rupe and Chris Bavota are coming out swinging with a new genre film festival that is delivering a one-two punch.
Beginning April 24th, the pair are embarking on the Deep Red International Festival of Fantastic Film. The event is taking place in Portland, Oregon at the Clinton Street Theater and will run for two days. The fest then invades Seattle at the historic Grand Illusion Cinema, May 8-9.
Rupe and Bavota’s mission is to “unearth classic and contemporary cult movies that deserved to be showcased on the big screen. Presented by Rude Shape Productions and Oddity Cinema, DRIFFF 2009 features northwest premieres, special guest Q & As, award-winning shorts, door prizes and more gore than you can stab a stake through.
DRIFFF presents the Northwest premieres of several feature films including David Gregory’s Plague Town, Martin Weisz’s Grimm Love (Weisz is next directing Clock Tower), Jonathan Lewis’ Black Devil Doll, Gadi Harel and Marcel Sarmiento’s Deadgirl, Justin Johnson and Aaron Marshall’s Zombie Girl: The Movie, the Brian Yuzna-produced anthology film, Takut: Faces of Fear, and Frank Henenlotter’s Bad Biology.
Stick around for the 1970s grindhouse classic Inglorious Bastards, the inspiration for Quentin Tarantinoâs latest epic.
Featured short films include Dead Bones starring Ken Foree, Richard Gale’s festival favorite The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Insufficient Weapon, Carl Morano and John Carchietta’s The Pick Up, and Jason Eisener’s tale of Christmas carnage Treevenge. The festival with & Teller and & Teller 2, two short films co-directed by Teller, the quieter, smaller half of famed magic duo Penn & Teller, and a special performance by the composers of the soundtracks for the shorts, the remarkable 3 Leg Torso, with Larold Will as a special guest performer on theremin.
Keep your eyes peeled to DeepRedFilmFest.com for more updates!
Source: Official Site