Paramount, Gaumont Teaming Up for Section 8

MySpace users granted access to thriller

Social networking makes an impact on another studio. Just over a month ago Dimension Films announced it was setting up a project inspired by sites such as Facebook and Twitter (details here). Paramount’s now getting in on the fun with something geared for a social networking site: Myspace.

According to Variety, a thriller entitled Section 8 will debut on the site this fall. The series is the offspring of Paramount Digital Entertainment and Gaumont and “will have elements designed to allow viewers to use various functions of the social networking service while watching the segs. Viewers will also be able to vote on the ending of the series.”

Each episode will run six to nine minutes. A dozen episodes are being ordered. Once it has completed its run on the site, Section 8 will be available on iTunes, Hulu and later DVD (through Paramount Home Entertainment).

Source: Variety

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