Forrest Ackerman Tribute in Hollywood

Remembering the man behind Monsters

In December, the genre community said goodbye to Forrest J. Ackerman (details) at the age of 92. Now our reps at the American Cinematheque in Hollywood have forwarded on details regarding a special tribute to the man behind “Famous Monsters.” Read on…

Sunday, March 8 – 4:00 PM

A TRIBUTE TO FORREST J. ACKERMAN 120 min. A tribute to one of the most Famous Monsters of them all, celebrating his memory, friendship and the legions of fans. Join us for testimonials from those who knew and loved Forry, plus film clips, slides, performances and more! Reception preceding the tribute starting at 3:00 PM. Updates on speakers will be listed on the Cinematheque website. FREE ADMISSION!

Sunday, March 8 – 7:00 PM

Forrest J. Ackerman Tribute Double Feature:

FAMOUS MONSTER: FORREST J. ACKERMAN, 2007, Roadhouse Films, Inc., 48 min. Dir. Michael McDonald. The documentary FAMOUS MONSTER takes a fast-paced, colorful look at the life of science fiction’s greatest fan — Forrest J. Ackerman, whose 85-year love affair with the genre helped bring it into the mainstream and shape the way we view science fiction today. Through archival footage, film clips and interviews with Ackerman and the fans and filmmakers he inspired, we follow Ackerman as he grows from a kid reading Amazing Stories magazine and watching movies like METROPOLIS and PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, to a literary agent for some of the biggest names in fantasy writing, to the editor of Famous Monsters of Filmland, a magazine that inspired generations of filmmakers. More

THE TIME TRAVELERS, 1964, MGM Repertory, 82 min. Writer-director Ib Melchior is renowned for his work on some of the most imaginative science-fiction films of the 1950s and 1960s, including THE ANGRY RED PLANET, ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS, REPTILICUS and PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES, along with “The Outer Limits” TV series. THE TIME TRAVELERS is one of his most ingenious concoctions, as a group of scientists (including Preston Foster, Philip Carey, Merry Anders and John Hoyt) experimenting with a time portal are catapulted into a post-nuclear apocalyptic future. Look for Forry in a cameo. Discussion in between films with FAMOUS MONSTER filmmakers Michael Macdonald and Ian Johnston.

The Egyptian Theatre is located at 6712 Hollywood Boulevard. For more, visit

Source: American Cinematheque

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