Twisted considers Jigsaw’s future

“3-D” is on the lips of the producing team at Twisted Pictures, the house of horror known for churning out the Saw franchise. And if the future continues to look bright for the Jigsaw legacy (Saw V grossed over $100 million worldwide), you might just see a Saw sequel coming at you in the same technology that made My Bloody Valentine 3D leap off the screen.
At last night’s sold-out, energetic Los Angeles screening of Repo! The Genetic Opera, another Twisted production, got to speaking with the producers who are seriously mulling over a Saw 3D. Perhaps not Saw VI but a seventh entry.
With 3-D becoming prevalent in the horror genre this year, it might be advantageous to consider doing part six in 3-D, but with an October 23rd release date looming and pre-production beginning soon – could Twisted make it work? If there was ever a time to freshen up this ongoing horror franchise, this is it. Imagine seeing Jigsaw’s devices in your face…
Just to make clear, nothing is set in stone, but the 3-D ideas are being kicked around. What do you think? Comment below!

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor