Hader Pens Slasher Pic for Apatow

But will it ever get made?

Fellow slasher movie watching pal and overall Internet fiend Devin Feraci reports in from Sundance with some interesting news. Actor Bill Hader (Superbad, Saturday Night Live) sat down with SNL scribe Simon Rich and they hashed out a slasher film together. Even stranger, Hader tells CHUD.com that it’s intended for Judd Apatow (The 40 Year Old Virgin).

Hader through a quartet of films that his horror opus can draw comparisons to, but he says “It is definitely about guys nowadays, that idea that you watch fucked up shit on TV, how violence in our culture – this sounds really hoity toity – you watch f**ked up reality shows, I love true crime shows. The idea of that thing coming to your house, and what do you do? I would shit my pants.”

Intriguing. We’re in. For more on what Hader told CHUD, click here.

Source: CHUD

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