The Final Fate of Mrs. Voorhees in Friday the 13th

First word on new promo hitting theaters

For a while there, it wasn’t looking good for Nana Visitor who plays Mrs. Voorhees in the upcoming Friday the 13th. Reports from an October test screening said she was cut along with young actor Caleb Guss (lil’ Jason Voorhees).

Producer Brad Fuller wants to make one thing clear: “Mama Voorhees is in the movie. Little Jason is in the movie. There was a time they were not in the movie, we were having problems with a scene. We figured it out, and now they’re in.” That’s good news, no? Also promising: “We enhanced two deaths [after the test screening]. When we watched them with an audience, we were not getting the reaction we wanted so we made them better.”

Fuller and co-producer Andrew Form are also quick to clarify that the recently released trailer (watch it here) does not give every kill away as some believe. And they are happy to hear that most of the online community is digging the preview.

They tell me that a Friday the 13th 6-foot standee is going to make its way into theater lobbies to promote the film. It features a cardboard Jason Voorhees choking one of his victims. Except, a hole will be located where their head is so you can place your noggin’ in there and make it look like you’re being killed! Have your cameras ready for your next jaunt to the multiplex. The standee will hit some theaters this week and go wider next week.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor

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