Repairman Jack Closing in on Director?

F. Paul Wilson provides an update

Author F. Paul Wilson has been chronicling, via his blog, the journey his beloved character Repairman Jack is taking to the big screen. And since this project is being dragged into the media spotlight by those who haven’t been following, it’s time for an update, right?

According Wilson, as of August, Beacon Pictures was in talks with a company interested in partnering with them “and will be going over directors.” The author hasn’t provided an update since then. Chris Morgan is the most current writer making strides to bring Jack to life. He’s working from previous drafts by Craig Spector, Scott Nimerfo and Trevor Sands. If you trace back Wilson’s blog posts, you’ll find Beacon has been attached to the project for well over a year. So yes, progress has been slow. Fingers crossed we’ll see ol’ Jack sometime soon.

For a full history on Repairman Jack – an “underground mercenary” often caught up in the supernatural – along with a list of his appearances, check out this page.

Source: F. Paul Wilson Blog

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