Update: Bloody Valentine Fans Get the DVD They Want

Deleted scenes within the film

Update: For those who doubted, here’s confirmation via the ad below. You can watch the deleted scenes one of two ways: Incorporated into the film, or, as a separate bonus feature with intros.

There’s been a lot of speculation regarding Lionsgate’s upcoming special edition DVD release of the original My Bloody Valentine and the long desired deleted scenes it was coming equipped with. The big question: Will said footage be integrated into the picture or not?

The studio’s initial announcement pointed to “no” – the deleted scenes were going to be shuffled into the special features section. ShockTillYouDrop.com has learned, however, that yes an uncut version of My Bloody Valentine is coming your way and the producers of the disc are working diligently to put the footage back into the film. And it looks great, says our sources.

Mark you calendars. January 13th is when the DVD hits the street.

Source: ShockTillYouDrop.comf

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