Is he interested in returning?

For the first time since word hit us that Sony had a Candyman remake on the brain, was able to catch up with Tony Todd, the man who made Clive Barker’s character so iconic on screen.
Responding to rumblings that the studio might take a new approach to Barker’s short story The Forbidden with a Caucasian Candyman, Todd expresses confusion. “When I first heard it…like everyone has said, it’s ridiculous,” he says. “The whole point is that he was a former slave and it’s an interracial love story. But they own the property and they’re entitled to do what they want.”
Of course, the “white” Candyman talk, as we’ve previously stated here on Shock, was an idea bandied about with other concepts and is by no means locked. But something new is definitely still brewing. Todd says another installment has been talked about for some time. “Just two years ago I was in a meeting with them talking about going forward. Some of my agents feel [the remake news] could be a move to see how much interest there is out there for it,” Todd admits. “Maybe we could put our heads together and do something modern…”
Is he interested in donning the hook and coat again? “If they do it, I’m willing to do one more as a final payoff or good-bye. I wouldn’t just phone it in, I’d want to commit to it.”
And for him to commit, he adds, the story has to be worthwhile. “You can only go to the well so many times. I was never interested in a versus movie. [Another studio] actually suggested to me a Candyman vs. Leprechaun at one point.” Todd follows with an incredulous laugh, “I’d kick him in his ass! Look, it’s about profitability, most of these movies now are reinventions but there’s no longevity. I could live forever with the thought of what we did with the first two Candyman films just fine.”
We’ll see what the future brings.
Todd recently wrapped the upcoming 24: Exile TV movie and will also be seen in Brian Pulido’s The Graves.

Source: Ryan Rotten