Jeepers Creepers 3: Cathedral to Enter Pre-Production

Creeper Watch ’08 officially begins

Jeepers Creepers creator Victor Salva reveals to Fangoria that pre-production is about to begin on Jeepers Creepers III: Cathedral for MGM.

“One aspect of the third film features Trish Jenner [Gina Philips], who, 23 years later, has a teenage son of her own, named Darry after her long lost brother,” Salva tells the site. “Trish is having a terrible recurring dream where her son meets the same terrible fate as her brother. Now a rich and powerful woman, Trish is determined to stop the Creeper once and for all.”

Salva, who penned and directed the first two lucrative entires in the franchise, adds that the long-rumored “Old West” approach to the Creeper will be seen in the beginning of the film. The origin of the Cathedral subtitle is one thing he is remaining mum about. Look for actors Ray Wise, Jonathan Breck (as the Creeper) and the first film’s menacing truck to return.

Source: Fangoria

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