MGM Enters Cabin in the Woods

Whedon, Goddard and a Red Dawn remake

Cloverfield scribe Drew Goddard is teaming with Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) for The Cabin in the Woods at MGM.

The script, a joint effort between the two, was recently discussed by Goddard at MTV who explained the story was “genius, it’s funny. It’s got a harder and darker edge, but it’s also got classic Whedon qualities. It’ll rip your heart out and be heartfelt at the same time.”

But what the hell is it about? MGM’s Mary Parent, who gave Cabin the green light, declined to comment when pressed by The Hollywood Reporter. She does use choice critic blurb-age like “visceral thrill ride” to describe the plot.

Goddard is set to make the film his directorial debut.

On a related, but unrelated note, Parent also gave the thumbs up to a Red Dawn remake – a horror all of its own. Carl Ellsworth (The Last House on the Left) will pen an update.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter, MTV

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