More Horrors at the New Beverly Cinema

The Keep! The Gate! Humanoids!

The New Beverly Cinema (7165 Beverly Boulevard) is turning up the heat this summer – as if Los Angeles residents need to sweat even more – with some pretty astounding double-features and midnight screenings. The programmers have even offered a tantalizing morsel of info about a 25th anniversary event this September that is rockin’ my f’in socks off right now (hint: Michael Mann, Tangerine Dream and a big rubbery humanoid). Check out the following schedule below…

• Tuesday, June 24th @ 7:30pm: Simon, King of the Witches/Grizzly

• Saturday, June 28th @ Midnight: Humanoids from the Deep

• Saturday, July 26th @ Midnight: Chopping Mall

• Saturday, August 23rd @ Midnight: The Gate

• Saturday, September 20th @ Midnight: The Keep

As previously announced here at Shock, screenwriter Diablo Cody will be a guest programmer from July 11 – 24. An official schedule is forthcoming, but we’re told you can expect a double-feature of A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors and Fright Night (more details).

Source: New Beverly MySpace

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