Announcement: Paul’s Brain Trust

Support a fellow horror fan & professional

Earlier this year, word came down like a blow to the gut that a very good friend, Paul Prischman (who I’ve known for years and pretty much call family), was diagnosed with brain cancer.

He’s one of the good guys, and by that, I mean a horror fan in the truest sense. Paul carried that love for horror, fantasy and sci-fi filmmaking into his budding career creating extraordinary DVD special features content. Some of the titles he worked heavily on: Fox’s exhaustive Alien Quadrilogy set, Gladiator: Extended Edition, Spider-Man 2 and, most recently, Blade Runner: Ultimate Collector’s Edition. Without a doubt, Paul knows his shit and, when he wasn’t working devotedly like a maniac, we’d talk old school horror, special edition DVDs we’d like to see.

Well, now he needs a lil’ help. A large number of friends, family and colleagues are pooling together their resources for Paul’s Brain Trust, a fundraising effort where all proceeds go to helping Paul through his medical treatment as well as his family. You can visit the “Brain Trust” website at the aforementioned link for more details on how to pitch in, also, if you live in the Los Angeles area, there’s an incredible Blade Runner benefit screening that’s coming up that you can attend. Details are being announced at The Digital Bits at noon today.

Source: Ryan Rotten

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