Dawn of the Dead in 3-D, Another Sequel?!

Roger and Peter kick zombie ass…in yo face

Fangoria got an update from Richard Rubenstein, producer of Dawn of the Dead ’79 and ’04, who tells the mag that preparations are being made with the Agoura Hill, California-based In-Three, Inc. to release Romero’s original zombie epic in 3-D.

“I couldn’t see how it could be used without re-editing George’s film, which I was not going to do,” says Rubenstein. “I was also concerned that converting a 29-year-old movie would not be competitive qualitatively with the new 3-D live-action features being shot today. I was wrong in both cases. George’s Dawn of the Dead can be reformatted into 3-D without any editing, and the image looks spectacular!”

He adds the process will take about a year to complete and that he’s planning a direct sequel to the original Dawn. Wha…?!

Source: Fangoria

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