Lionsgate Releasing Dead & Gone This July

DVD specs, street date…

Lionsgate Home Entertainment announced today that it will release Yossi Sasson’s Dead and Gone on DVD July 1st.

Written by Harry Shannon, Emmy-nominated songwriter and author of The Pressure of Darkness and Daemon, and scored by famed composer Harry Manfredi (Friday the 13th), Dead and Gone stars Quentin Jones, Ben Moody, Gillian Shure and Robert Herrick.

DVD special features include the featurette Gone with the Dead: Behind the Scenes of Dead and Gone, filmmakers’ commentary with director Yossi Sasson and writer Harry Shannon, deleted scenes, outtakes and a trailer gallery.

The plot synopsis goes a lil’ something like this: You only think you’re alone. Trophy husband, Jack Wade, kidnaps his comatose wife, an ex-Hollywood studio executive, in an attempt to kill her and collect on her life insurance after she screwed him out of access to her finances. When she comes back from the dead to haunt him, Jack can’t distinguish reality from delirium. His secrets come to the foreground, and he ends up destroying himself, both figuratively and literally.

Source: Lionsgate Home Entertainment

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