ADI’s Woodruff Muses On Future of AvP Universe

More stories to tell in both worlds

Amalgamated Dynamics, Inc.’s Tom Woodruff sat down with this afternoon to look back on his career and the work he has contributed to Fox’s Alien and Predator franchises. Having played a big part in the Alien series – both in makeup and out of it – and now the AvP universe, where would he love to see the series go next?

“My hopes, as a creature designer and as a fan, would be ideally to continue on whatever storyline it is the Alien versus Predator takes us in because there’s certainly a wide open book at this point,” Woodruff says. “But in addition to that, I’d still like to explore the future world of Alien 5, what’s the next step of that story? It’s such an unresolved story and there are so many opportunities for characters and great storytelling. As well as Predator, both of those are open-ended stories and AvP has taken the center line combining those stories, but I think there’s plenty of room for three very distinct story takes on those characters.”

Keep an eye on Shock for a full report from Amalgamated Dynamics and our interview with Woodruff!

Source: Ryan Rotten

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